segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Curiosities about the English Language

*The word “alphabet” is derived from the first two letters in the Greek alphabet: “alpha” and “beta”.

*The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.

*Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions.

*The only word in the English language that has 4 sets of double letters in a row is balloonneer.

*The shortest complete sentence in the English language is “I am.”

*“Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.

*The most used letter in the English alphabet is ‘E’, and ‘Q’ is the least used!

*Goddessship is the only word in the English language with a triple letter.

*The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” uses every letter of the alphabet!

*The sentence “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs” uses every letter of the alphabet and uses the least letters to do so!

*The world’s longest-named lake has 45 letters (Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg).

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